Guides & White Papers

Sales and use tax audits: How to prepare your business

Expanding into new markets, adding new sales channels, and launching new products are great for growing revenue but these activities can affect sales and use tax obligations. It’s important for companies to consider how changes to their business may impact their audit risk. Certain factors make a business more likely to be audited. Companies may be on the hook for paying taxes owed, plus penalties, should an audit not go in their favor.

Conquering beverage alcohol compliance challenges

As a beverage alcohol seller, you work to keep a lot of balls in the air. Between the time your product is bottled and the moment it reaches the hands and bellies of happy customers, a lot has to happen. When your attention is focused on growing your business, nurturing customer relationships and getting your product on store shelves and doorsteps, compliance can seem like just another chore. But you can't afford to ignore it.

Mergers and Acquisitions: A sales tax compliance overview to help reduce your risk

As businesses prepare for a post-COVID-19 world, expanding product lines and growing market shares will be crucial to their success. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are important avenues for propelling a business forward to gain a competitive advantage. Among the many business factors to consider while undergoing a business reorganization, sales tax compliance tends to fall near the bottom of the list.

An overview of economic nexus in the beverage alcohol industry

It’s easier than ever for consumers to have their favorite merlot or chardonnay delivered to their doorstep. Driven by demand for convenience, the direct-to-consumer (DTC) channel continues to expand rapidly. This overview will help you understand not only what economic nexus is and why it’s important, but also the history of nexus determination in the beverage alcohol industry right down to the most recent 2020 legislation.